golf etiquette

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By Biscuit

golf etiquette

In order to enjoy golf, it is about keeping basic golf etiquette. Not keeping certain golf etiquette does not mean that you cannot enjoy golf, but it would be a loss if you don’t keep it because it could interfere with other golfers’ performance and is the No. 1 target of other golfers’ avoidance.

Golf is the only non-referee sport among all sports.

The absence of a referee means that you are a referee, and if a companion or a third party finds out about a rule that you have failed to follow, you will be penalized or severely disqualified (although there is no system called disqualification in an amateur round of friendly golf). It can be treated as the worst case scenario: disqualification in a symbolic sense.

If you get the worst decision of disqualification, you might not have a companion to play with in the future, how disgraceful is this?

A gentleman’s sport that everyone enjoys playing golf. Not following etiquette rules does not mean that you will be penalized or disqualified, but if you want to play golf, you should know what etiquette is.

Let’s find out about important golf tickets.

1. Learning golf rules

Let’s be aware of the basic rules of golf. There are many official rules, but let’s be aware of the basic rules players play in tee shot locations, fairways, out-of-bound, penalty areas, bunkers, and greens.

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2. Let’s respect the golf course

Let’s cherish and respect golf courses. Golf is a sport that winds around a golf club made of metal on a course consisting of grass. Therefore, damage to the grass is inevitable, and the damage to the grass (divot) caused by the person taking the shot must be repaired by oneself.

The divot should be repaired, except if it is impossible to repair or if it takes a lot of time to delay play.

On the green, try to repair the ball marks with a repair tool or tee. Make sure the surface stays smooth so as not to interfere with other golfers’ play.

3. Fast play is a popular player

Delayed Play: Everyone’s Enemy. Note that many rules have been added to prevent delayed play. Make sure to play fast. Get ready to take your shots when it’s your turn, and make sure you play carefully. “Get ready! Be careful with your shots!”

4. No unnecessary noise and conversation

Golf is a sport that requires concentration. Let’s respect other players by minimizing noise.

Do not make noise or speak while your companion is getting ready to hit the shot. Be careful not to get distracted by putting your phone on silent mode before playing! Preferably, let’s talk on the phone after the play. Talking while playing will affect your mental state.

5. Safety first above all

Golf is a sport in which you swing a metal club and hit a hard ball.

Safety should always be a priority. Before swinging, it is important to make sure that no one else is in the hitting direction and then play.

Practice swing should be done in a direction where no one is present. If done wrong, it can cause irreversible injuries to fellow golfers.

Only one person who wants to play should be on the tee box, make sure you don’t get ahead of your shot’s companion, and if you’re ahead, watch the shot and the flying ball. Otherwise, you could be taken to the hospital.

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6. Organize the bunker yourself

If your ball fell into a bunker and took a bunker shot, you should use a rubber wheel to clean up the sand directly with your own traces (footprints, marks) in the bunker.

One more thing: If you have taken a bunker shot and cleaned up the sand from the bunker, you should take the sand off your shoes to the club and go into the green. Sand on the green can interfere with the putting line.

7. Let’s keep our manners as a golfer

On golf courses, it is important to be dressed appropriately for golf rounding.

Golf shoes (soft spike or spikris golf shoes), golf suits and hats as much as possible as golf clothing brands, and sensible color matching can enhance one’s dignity. Jeans are difficult.

One more thing, there is an etiquette that you should observe when entering a clubhouse on a golf course, preferably in a gentle style. Shorts and sweatpants can be annoying to others because it’s hot. It should be noted that certain golf clubs require suits, and some clubs do not allow shorts.

Of course, they are not allowed to play due to lack of access, but they are solely their responsibility to feel embarrassed by being criticized by clubhouse staff. If it is inevitable, check with the club in advance or ask for your understanding.

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8. An honest score record is basic

Golf is a men’s sport. You have to count your pars without lying and let the recorders know, or record them yourself.

Be honest with yourself and your companions when it comes to scoring. In particular, count all your shots, including penalties, and keep track of your scores correctly. Playing honestly and sincerely, and keeping honest scores, is a must in the golf game.

9. Golf manners are my characters

Show good sportsmanship and golf manners throughout the round.

Be polite to your playing partner and other golfers on the course. Help find your companion player’s lost ball, and refrain from making unnecessary congratulatory messages or commentary as a check that could interfere with your play.

Recognize that everyone but “Okay” for Concede is a statement that gets in the way of the opponent’s play.

10. Learning from a skilled golfer

Golf etiquette and manners can vary slightly from course to course, or from player to player. Learn from experienced golfers or observe how they behave on a course.

You can become a popular player who gets used to etiquette and wants to play in the least amount of time.

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If you follow the basic rules of golf and practice proper golf etiquette, you can create a positive golf environment as a well-mannered player recognized by yourself and those around you.

Golf is a game of honest enjoyment that respects the other person. If you follow etiquette, your enjoyment will double.

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