golf Driver swing learning strategy

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By Biscuit

Driver swing learning strategy

1. Ideal golf driver back swing

The rotating back swing is the first part of the golf swing and is an action that moves the club away from the ball.

The rotation of the shoulder, waist, and knee plays an important role in this process. In an ideal back swing, the shoulder rotation should be 90°, the waist rotation should be 45°, and the knee rotation should be 15°.

This creates the most robust trajectory and good rhythm when caulking from the height of the right waist to the thumb of the left hand. <<<

Ideal driver back swing image

2. Purpose of back swing

The main purpose of the back swing is to prepare for a down swing. To this end, move the golfer’s body and club to any position on the right side of the body.

This will create a down swing so that the ball can fly accurately towards its goal.

3. Create the correct back swing action:

To make the right back swing, you need to know the core of the address, takeback, and body rotation motion.

The address means a posture to start a golf swing, and the take-back means a motion to pull the club back.

The body rotation motion includes the rotation of the shoulder, waist, and knee, which is a key element of the back swing. When these three elements are properly understood and implemented, the back swing will occur naturally.

4. Step 3 of the back swing

The back swing should consist of three steps in the order of shoulder → waist → knee, in which the shoulder should rotate about 90°.

This will move the club along the correct trajectory, allowing the ball to fly precisely towards its goal.

5. Address method for the driver club

In the driver swing, the address means the initial posture to start the golf swing. At this time, the position of the ball should be placed on the heel of the left foot.

This is because the driver club is the longest, so you have to hit the ball on the RBI that goes up compared to other clubs.

This swing is called an upper blow swing.

Address method image

The longer the club, the larger the arc of the swing, which helps to increase the distance.

Therefore, the driver club is usually the longest club, so it can fly the ball the furthest.

For this reason, driver clubs are mainly used in tee shots, and accurate address and swing techniques are important at this time.

6. the right takeback

The takeback refers to the initial movement of the back swing. This movement marks the beginning of the golf swing, and is the first movement to move the club away from the ball.

For the takeback, the size of the arc of the back swing and the shape of the back swing saw are determined according to the motion.

During the take-back movement, you must keep the triangle of both arms and shoulders good. This triangle plays an important role in maintaining the stability and consistency of the golf swing. If you draw an arc of the swing while maintaining this triangle, the ball can fly accurately towards its goal.

Therefore, a takeback is an important factor in the success of a golf swing. If this movement is performed accurately, the ball may fly accurately toward the target. Through this, the efficiency and accuracy of the golf swing may be increased.

7. Correct body rotation motion

The body rotation motion is the most important part of golf swing. If the order of this motion is ignored, the back swing motion cannot be made naturally, and the trajectory is shaken.

Therefore, it is important to accurately understand and implement the order of body rotation movements.

The initial rotation point of the back swing is when the shoulder turns 45° to the right. This is when you start to turn your hips.

One thing to be aware of in this process is that the shoulders and hips should rotate, but the right knee should not deviate from the address position.

In this way, the back swing motion is made naturally, and the ball can fly accurately toward the target. Therefore, the body rotation motion is an important factor in the success of the golf swing.

When this action is performed accurately, the ball can fly precisely towards the target.

This will increase the efficiency and accuracy of the golf swing.

8. Correct torso rotation motion

Correct Body Rotation Many amateur golfers make a back swing with the rotation of their arms during the back swing, causing the angle of the triangle between their arms and shoulders to collapse.

Correct torso rotation motion

The collapse of these triangles suddenly speeds up the back swing speed, creating an uneasy back swing top.

When down swinging, keep the triangle and allow the weight to be placed on the inner part of the left sole. This improves the stability of the swing and allows the ball to fly accurately towards the target.

The rotation of the body is also important to solve this problem.

9. Practice maintaining a triangle to learn body rotation

It is necessary to practice maintaining the triangle in order to learn the body rotation motion.

When addressing, both shoulders and arms should be able to form a triangle well, and when taking back, you should make a swing while maintaining the triangle without collapsing.

This movement is a basic exercise that leads the trajectory of the initial swing stably, making it easy to create a constant swing trajectory at all times.

Through this, it is possible to increase the efficiency and accuracy of golf swing.

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