16 must-know golf rules

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By Biscuit

16 must-know golf rules

Golf is the only sport without a referee. A referee knows and must abide by the rules of golf, and if he or she fails to abide by the rules or makes a violation, he or she will be punished by applying strict standards.

So what are the rules of golf play? To know exactly, you need to know the regulations of the Korea Golf Association or the American Golf Association, but it is not easy to study many regulations, and you don’t need to know that much.

Amateur golfers are allowed to keep the 17 rules as they know them. For reference, there is also a “Local Rule” that is applied to the golf course as determined by the golf course.

1. Accurate procedures and precautions for drops

Drop is an action used when a ball needs to be rescued in a penalty area, etc.

Drops should be made at knee level, and do not change direction or do certain movements.

The dropped ball should be located in the drop zone, and if it goes over, it should be dropped again.

2. Domestic golf course rules for out-of-bounds and hazard tees

On the golf course, the out-of-bound tee and hazard tee are made on the fairway, and if the shot enters the OB zone, the fourth shot from the out-of-bound tee is hit and the third shot is continued from the hazard tee.

If you enter the OB area, you should receive 1 penalty, and if you enter the penalty area, you should drop the ball.

3. How to deal with unplayable situations

In an unplayable situation, you can get relief after receiving one penalty.

Relief options include playing again at the previous stroke point, in a point relief zone far from the hole than the ball, and in a relief zone next to the point where the ball is located.

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4. Special situations and rules in bunker

Even if the club touches the sand in the bunker, it is a penalty shot, but if the club touches the sand during the play, it will receive two penalties.

After exiting the bunker, you are allowed to pick or hit sand to the club.

5. Rules related to cart roads

Cart roads are considered artificial obstacles and receive no penalty relief if the ball falls.

Drop the ball within one club length and continue playing.

6. Artificial obstacles and their remedial rules

Natural obstacles can be removed, but large trees or bushes cannot be removed.

You can get relief from artificial obstacles.

7. Rules in the process of finding the ball

In the process of finding the ball, actions that affect the stroke are allowed.

Intentional positional improvement carries a penalty.

8. Rules on the ball hit by a person or animal

If the ball accidentally hits a person or animal, no penalty will be imposed, and the play continues on the spot.

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9. Coping with the disappearance of the ball

If the ball disappears, if you don’t hit a provisional ball or if you can’t find it within five minutes, you have to get a penalty and go back to your original position.

In the amateur friendly round, you can continue your play with a penalty near the missing point for quick progress.

10. Rules related to cleaning foreign substances in fairway

Both professional and amateur golfers are usually not allowed to pick up and wipe their cheeks on the fairway.

However, depending on the local rules of the golf course, there are cases where it is allowed to pick up and wipe the ball on the fairway.

When you pick up a ball on the fairway, you should mark it and reposition it in the correct place.

11. Penalties for moving the ball in fairway or rough

If the ball moves on the fairway or rough, it should generally be played as it is.

Penalties may be imposed if the movement is intentional.

If the ball placed on the rough moves by mistake, the intentionality is determined and a penalty is determined.

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12.Practice rules for tee shots during play

No practice shots are allowed during play.

If you take a practice shot after the start of the play, you will be charged a loss of that hole in the match play, and two penalties in the stroke play.

13. Rules to follow when taking a tee shot

A space for tee shots is determined based on the tee markers placed on both sides of the teeing area.

When tee shot, play only within two club lengths of the imaginary line connecting the tee markers on either side of the teeing area in a straight line and immediately after that.

If you violate the rules, you will get two penalties and you will have to put the ball back.

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14. If the ball falls from above the tee during the practice swing

If the ball falls off the tee during a practice swing with no intention of playing, you can put it back on the tee without a penalty.

However, it is important whether or not you were willing to play.

15. Regulations for replacement of balls played in the teeing area

Basically, balls that started in the teeing area should be used until they are holed out.

However, if the ball played in the teeing area is lost, it can be replaced with another ball.

16. Regulations for moving tees in the teeing area

It doesn’t matter if you move the tee until you take a shot.

However, the tee can only be moved in a space that does not deviate from the tee marker line and spacing within the teeing area.

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